What is Beauty?

Beauty literally means: a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. I feel like it can be more than that though. Beauty doesn’t just have to be physical qualities. It can really also be inner qualities. What about character, personality, and beliefs? They can all be beautiful, too.

Then, there’s the typical beauty standards that society sets, and these change from time to time. Beauty standards are not important. The important thing is to really determine what is beautiful to you. You set your own beauty standards. You get to decide. That’s what really matters. Redefine what beauty is to you. Take that with you everywhere you go. What does beauty mean to you?

Inner and Outer Reflections

The inside reflects the outside in so many ways or the outside reflects the inside in so many ways. I’m sure which one is accurate to say, but here’s what I mean. Whatever you put in your body reflects on the outside.

So, whatever you consume (what you drink and eat + put you put in your mind) (what kind of thoughts you have, who you surround yourself with, who you listen to, what you read, what you listen to, what you watch, and what information you consume) is reflected on the outside. All of that.

This is an internal thing. This is an external thing. It’s a physical thing. It’s a non-physical thing. There’s always room for improvement. Let’s improve ourselves every day.

No, we’re not always going to be our best, but be mindful of that. Things that can help are eating whole plant foods, grounding, sleep, exercise, doing things you love, getting more connected to yourself, spending time with yourself, spending time with those you care about, drinking water, meditation, creating, having positive, loving, supportive, and optimistic thoughts as much as you can, showing up for yourself, focusing on what you can control, and taking care of you. How do you feel about this?

Do These Three Things Daily

Doing these three things are so important. Nourish your mind, body, and soul. Feed all of them with the best fuel for you. Nourishing your body just means eating whole plant foods that are the best for you. Nourishing your mind just means feeding your mind with positive, loving, supportive, and optimistic thoughts and things like that. Nourishing your soul means doing something that you love every single day. Keep these three things in mind, and do them every single day. What is something that you love to do every day?

Give Yourself Compliments

Compliment yourself every day. We compliment people that we know. We also compliment people that we don’t know. So, why don’t we compliment ourselves as much? Examples of complimenting yourself could be anything.

You love, appreciate, and/or are grateful for your eyes. You love, appreciate, and/or are grateful for how your hair looks today. You love, appreciate, and/or are geateful for how you handled that. You love, appreciate, and/or are grateful for the shirt you picked out today. You love, appreciate, and/or are grateful for how far you’ve come. You love, appreciate, and/or are grateful for how much you’ve improved. You love, appreciate, and/or are grateful for how you’ve set boundaries with firmess and clarity. It could be and and of those things and things like that. There’s a huge spectrum of compliments, so compliment yourself every day.

Vegan Beauty Minimalism

Vegan beauty minimalism simply means working with what you naturally have, keeping it minimal, and not adding anything else. It is totally fine to add anything and everything else if you want to. That’s up to you. That’s the beauty of it. You get to decide that.

For me, I love and feel more confident keeping everything naturally the way it really is. This means real eyebrows, eyelashes, boobs, body, nails, hair, teeth, etc. for me and no botox, fillers, hair extensions, hair color, plastic surgery, lifts, fat transfers, nail extensions, eyelash extensions, microbladed eyebrows, makeup (or minimal makeup), etc. for me. There’s obviously absolutely nothing wrong with getting any of these though.

I do love makeup. I think it’s beautiful. I’m not good at putting it on, I feel better without it, and my skin takes a lot for it to get right, regardless. So, it’s just really up to you. You decide what works for you.

I wanted to explain what vegan beauty minimalism is. It’s what I feel most confident in how I express myself, it’s what works best for me, and it’s what I love. Whatever you choose and do, choose and do it for you. Do you love beauty minimalism, too?

Beauty Does Not Equal Self-Worth

What do you love about yourself? List out every single thing that you love about yourself. Keep it to look back at and read it when you want or need to. There are going to be times when you don’t feel your best, your happiest, or your most beautiful. Going to your list of everything you love about yourself will remind you of who you are. The real, true, amazing woman that you are.

Make a list of every single thing that you don’t love about yourself. Ask yourself why you feel that way. Really go deep. If you still don’t love something about yourself, change it or improve it if you can. If not, try changing your perspective about these things and embrace every single part of you, including the things you don’t love.

These things are everything from personality traits, characteristics, physical features, etc. Everything about you. You have to live with yourself for a long time, so you may as well make it be enjoyable. You can make it whatever you want. Cherish yourself. What do you love most about yourself?

Ending Thoughts

Beauty is whatever you think it is. You get to define what beauty means to you. You can forget what society’s beauty standards are and make your own. When you nourish your mind, body, and soul every day, compliment yourself every day, and realize that you are worthy every day, you’ll be better off. Of course, there’s only one you, so let your beauty shine through everywhere you are.

“My definition of beauty is that it should be deep, lasting, and magnetic, and grow from the inside out.” ~ Kimberly Snyder