Get to Know Yourself Even Better

These things can help you to connect more to yourself and get to know yourself even better. Connecting to yourself starts it all.

Pay Attention to Your Soul

Listen to your soul. Your soul really is the center of you. It truly seems more important to listen to your soul than your heart, mind, or brain. Your soul holds everything, including who you are, what you love, what you want, etc. You’ll be even happier. You’ll feel even better. You’ll have even more love, fun, and fulfillment in your life.

Sit calmly, quietly, and still. Go in your body within yourself. Be honest with yourself. Don’t hold anything back. Flow with your soul. How you want to feel + your soul can both be your guide. Connect with yourself. Connect with your soul. Listen. What could listening to your soul do for you?

Make Soul Nourishment a Part of Your Life

Nourish your soul. Doing something you love every single day is soul nourishment. Keep your soul happy and thriving by doing things you love to do. You’ll have more energy, peace, and happiness through nourishing your soul. There’s an abundance of things you can do. Ask your soul what it wants and needs. Always make time for yourself. What are some things that you love doing?

Make Mind Nourishment a Part of Your Life

Nourish your mind. What you nourish your mind with is just as important as what you nourish your body with. What you put in your body and on your body are equally as important as what you put in your mind. What you put in your mind matters just as much because everything starts in your mind.

You want to have a solid, strong mindset. Everything that you put in your mind affects every other part of your body and your life. So, start by nourishing your mind with positive, loving, supportive, and optimistic thoughts. Other ways to nourish your mind are to learn about things you love or want to know more about, create something, read something you want to read, do a puzzle, color something, paint something, etc., or take a break. How do you nourish your mind?

Gain Even More Self-Confidence

Let’s talk about self-confidence. Self-confidence literally means: a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. What you think of yourself and how you see yourself is what matters.

What anyone else thinks of you doesn’t matter. How anyone else sees you doesn’t matter. You’ll feel your best and be your best when you’re completely honest, true to yourself, and unapologetically and fully you.

So, please keep doing those three things There were times I thought that I should cover up because I was big everywhere. No one told me I should or shouldn’t. I just truly believed and thought that I should.

Well, as an adult, things definitely change. We grow, change our minds, and get to know ourselves even more. I feel better being all of me. I don’t need to hide or show anything if I don’t want to. I love being naturally vuluptuous, and I feel my best being true to myself.

I’ll be damned if I ever am not going to be me, not stay true to myself, and not be honest. I don’t hide any part of me, so people shouln’t look at my content if it bothers them, if they’re assumptive, or if they don’t like it. Vegan Beauty Power is for women, so for the people who are not supportive of women empowerment, being true to themselves, and living in their beauty and their power: BYE. The End. What will you do to embrace self-confidence in your life even more?

Accept Your Sensitivity and Embrace it

Sensitivity is a strong, powerful, and beautiful thing. Why is it looked at and thought of as such a bad thing by so many people? There is nothing wrong with being sensitive. It’s part of being a human.

It doesn’t make you weak, less than, or anything like that. It’s ok to express sensitivity, and when you suppress it or hold it in, it can negatively affect you. So, please don’t be afraid of sensitivity and don’t be afraid to let it be a part of you. We’re all humans.

Meditate For Yourself

Meditation is powerful. You know that meditation is super beneficial for you to do. It seemed like such a complex mystery to me for a while. I realized that it’s actually really simple. Now, I see meditation as a way to connect the mind and body, clear the mind, help to get more present, and truly connect with yourself.

Meditation can definitely help you to live your life more mindfully and intentionally as well as help you find your inner energy. It also teaches you balance and centers yourself as you go within. I’m still not in the groove of it, but I’ll get there.

This is something that takes time, and it’s completely worth it. If you’re a meditation beginner like me, guided meditations may serve you better. You can find them online or on apps. So many to choose from! You can do them for as long or short as you want and for as often as you want. There are specific ones for anxiety, sleep, stress, focus, peace, etc.

Bring what you feel, learn, and gain from meditation out into the world. Meditation is a practice that grows with you. Is meditation a part of your life?

Feel the Earth

Grounding (earthing) is fun. It’s a way to connect with the earth. Electrical charges from the earth can positively affect your body. It also helps relieve stress and increase energy. It’s one of the simplest and easiest things you can do to benefit your health.

Make direct contact with the ground by walking with no shoes on. If you can’t do this because you live some place where there’s nothing but concrete or the weather is too cold, there are earthing sheets and mats you can use. Do you love grounding?

Visualize For Yourself

Visualization can be fun. You get into the mindset, head space, and feeling with visualization of what you want. You literally visualize and see what you want your life to be, what you want, what you want to do, who you want to be, where you want to be, all of that.

It also can get you to see what to continue with and what to stop in your life. Through visualization, you can get really clear about what you want, what you’re doing, and where you’re going. Visualization can help you to feel excitement, gratitude, happiness, positivity, and optimism. It can get you to see what is possible and what your mind believes.

Picture what you want in your life, what you want to do, where you are, who you want to be, who you want in your life, and how you feel. Think about that. Sit, think, and feel it.

This can be as general or specific as you want it to be. You can make visualization fun and really see what you believe is possible for you. Your mind doesn’t have to ever limit you. Do you use visualization in your life?

Use Affirmations in Your Life

Affirmations can be about whatever you want them to be about. You really have to believe them for them to have power and make a positive difference in your life.

So, maybe there’s something you want that you don’t have yet, and you write it down as an affirmation, but you really can’t believe it or see it yet. Go with an affirmation that’s more believable to you and is something that you can get behind right now.

Then, as you practice that and do that more, you’ll expland, grow, and get to different affirmations. They can be as simple, specific, or deep as you want them to be. Read them. Believe them. Live them.

It can be fun and helpful to have different categories for your affirmations, like physical, financial, relationships, love, fun, work, wellness and health, family, home, and lifestyle

Don’t worry about the how. Choose affirmations or create affirmations that really speak to you. Ask yourself what you really want and how you want to feel, and get clear about that. What is your favorite category right now to focus on in your affirmations?

Ask Your Future Self Things

Get to know your future self. It is pretty cool to think about how you want to be, what kind of life you want to live, how you want to feel, and what you want to do in the future as well as now. As long as you think about the future, you’re going to have to think about what you’re doing right now.

If you want to be a certain way in the future, if you want to be doing certain things in the future, if you want to feel a certain way, live the kind of life that you want to live and all of that in the future that’s different from your now, you’re going to have to focus on your now first. You’re going to have to change things right now so that you can be in the future the way you want to be.

There’s a lot of thoughts you can think about this and things you can do to get you in the right mindset. One of them is thinking about your future self and the actions that your future self makes. If you know you have a bad habit, think about your future self. Ask yourself what your future self would do.

Getting to know your future self really helps you to step into the person that you want to become to live the kind of life that you want to live. Stepping into your future self means that you’re still being you. You’re just stepping into your future focused self, and you really start to focus on what you really want out of life that you don’t have yet.

No matter how far away or how close you are to it, you know that it’s still possible. You think about what your future self would do in certain situations. If you’re thinking about your future self (you living your life in your highest potential), it’s having the things that you want, really going for what you want, really being focused, really being positive, optimistic, confident, empowered, free, and flexible.

Your future self is your best self that you haven’t necessarily stepped into yet because there’s always room for improvement – no matter what. Even after that, you still improve. So, what would your future self do?

This gets you to really see different choices that your future self would make.
You start to think about this, and you just naturally become her. You just naturally step into the person you are destined to become, which is the improved version of you living your highest and fullest potential and being completely you at the same time.

It’s never-ending, and that’s an exciting, beautiful, and good thing. As you step into your future self, you will know more of who you are and what you want. You can reevaluate if what you’re currently doing is what you really want to do, how you really want to live, if this is really the space you want to create for yourself, and the life you want to have and create for yourself. How do you want to feel and what do you want? Your future self can help you with that. Have you ever thought of your future self?

Know What Your Daily Non-Negotiables Are

What are your non-negotiables every day? Think about this because we usually don’t. We just get really frazzled, scrambled, and overwhelmed because we think we have so much to do and all of this and all of that. If you just narrow it down, make it more simple for yourself, and think of the things that you must do and focus on that first and the most, then you’ll probably feel better overall. So, think about that in terms of what your non-negotiables are.

That includes time for yourself, that includes self-care, and that includes doing things that you love. Nourishing your soul, feeding your soul, and all of that. So, what’s non-negotiable for you? What would be the consequences of not doing your non-negotiables every day? What would be the benefits of doing your non-negotiables every day? How would you feel if you did them? How would you feel if you didn’t do them? So, it’s like that. Focus on your non-negotiables every day the most.

Ending Thoughts

All of these things can help you connect to yourself more, which will get you to know yourself better. You’ll have better thoughts, be able to make better choices, and feel better, stronger, and more empowered in your life once you connect more to yourself. This is on-going and ever-changing, so it’s important for you to never give up on yourself. Be patient with yourself, give yourself grace, and treat yourself kindly.