Intentions, Plans, and Actions

You know what your intentions are, but you have no plan. Think about and focus on how you want to feel. You can create results based on how you want to feel. You have complete power and control over your thoughts, so choose them for the better.

Of course you’re not always going to have perfect and positive thoughts, but the truth is that you need to change your thoughts if they’re constantly negative to feel the way you want to feel and accomplish what you want to accomplish. For you to make a plan and take action, you need to have your best mindset first.

Practice affirmations that serve and benefit you, meditate, ask yourself questions, and write it all down. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

What do I want to feel like?

What would I accomplish if I could not mess up?

What do I need to do for results that I want?

How do I want this new year to be different than the last?

What do I want to do more of this new year?

What do I want to do less of this new year?

What did I feel this year?

What did I learn this year?

Would I make some of the same decisions again that I’ve made this year?

What decisions will I make this new year?

As you can see, a lot of those questions are about this year. It’s super important to think about this whole year as it ends and as you go into the new year. Doing this brings clarity, and it makes your wants extra clear for the new year.

Once you know exactly how you want to feel and what you want, you can create a plan to support that. After you have a plan, you need to figure out the steps to take that will move you forward and progress with actions.

The key is to always use self-discipline and to stay consistent. The only way you get worthwhile and desired results is if you stay consistent. It’s what you do every day that matters, so make it your best intentional foundation to build the healthy vegan life you want to improve.




“Your thoughts create feelings, which create actions, which produce results. Always.”

~ Natalie Bacon 

Your Daily Actions

There’s no magic or secret, but … your daily actions will determine almost everything.  It’s as simple as that. Stay consistent with actions that move you closer to your desired outcomes. Five things you can do every day to benefit you and support your plan for how you want to feel is:

Sleep enough

Eat whole plant foods

Drink enough water

Move your body

Do something you love. Every single day.

These actions will make a huge positive difference – no matter what. When you’re in the habit of doing these things consistenly, you’ll get closer and closer to accomplishing what you want to accomplish. Develop self-discipline and healthy habits, and stick with it all. Make them a part of your daily life.




Feelings, Favorites, and Fun

What feelings do you want to feel this new year? What are your favorite things to do? What do you have so much fun doing? Your answers to these three questions are things you need to make sure you include in your life this new year. What do you feel when you’re doing something you love to do? What do you want to do more of that you love this new year? What excites and inspires you? What is so much fun for you? What all of this means is that you need to be happy. Happiness is a huge part of living a healthy vegan lifestyle just as eating well, self-care, self-love, postitive mindset. sleep, hydration, and movement all are.

My absolute favorite thing to do is create. I love reading novels and watching films. So, I’m going to make sure that I read and watch every day. I’m also going to make sure that I create more. Telling stories is so much fun for me, so I’m going to make sure that I do that more daily. What is your absolute favorite thing to do? Whatever it is, make sure you do that every single day. What do you love to do? Whatever it is, make sure that you do more of it all every single day. What is so much fun for you? Whatever it is, make sure that you do more of it daily.




Think, Focus, and Proceed

Don’t beat yourself up about anything that happened that you weren’t proud of. It’s behind you now. Learn from it, and move forward. Look ahead. Have your own back. Always.

Think about how you want to feel, focus on what you need to do to feel the way you want to feel, and proceed with steps and actions to support your desires. You get the results that you want by doing this. What are three things you need to focus more on to improve? You may want to improve your health, relationships, wealth, career, environment, etc.

Regarding health, I want to drink more water every day to be better hydrated and improve my overall health + wellness, incorporate fitness into my life with six workouts every week to increase my stamina and endurance and improve my overall health + wellness, and I want to improve my positive mindset so that I can increase my self-belief to progress forward. Your desired reults will guide you. Listen to them, and listen to your body.




Tips, Tricks, and Time

Use your time effectively. We all have the same amount of time as each other, no matter what each of us has to do and does. Time is something you can’t get back, so it always counts and matters how you use it and what you do with it. Plan and schedule if you need to. You have the power to manage your time, so make it work for you in the best way.

Tips and tricks you can use in your life every day to go into the new year the healthy vegan way are all simple:

Sleep enough (7-8 hours)

Eat whole plant foods (make recipes you love)

Drink enough water (1/2 your body weight in ounces)

Move your body (find workouts or a form of fitness you like/love)

Stick to chemical-free, cruelty-free, and vegan skincare and everything that you put on your body (Use EWG, if needed)

Choose your thoughts wisely (you have the power to think your thoughts)

Get into the right mindset (positivity affects everything in the best way)

Believe in yourself (you can do anything)

Have confidence in yourself (show people what confidence can accomplish)

Love yourself (this matters the most)

Do something for yourself (self-care daily)

Do something you love every single day (your true love and passion that excites you, inspires you, and is fun for you)

Surround yourself with inspiration and knowledge (find a mentor and people, whether it’s from afar or in person, who teach you, show you, and inspire you to be your best)

Practice self-discipline and consistency (this is a sure-fire combo for success)

Ask yourself questions that move you forward, and write it all down (your brain will find answers)




Ending Thoughts

You can live the healthy vegan way, and you’ll love it. You have complete power over your thoughts and actions, so make sure they support your desired results. What do you want to accomplish? How do you want to feel? Think about it all, focus, make a plan, and take action.

Think about how you want to feel and focusing on that, will serve you so much better. Change your mindset and your thoughts if you need to. Everything starts with the thoughts you have and the mindset you create.

None of us are perfect, so there’s always room to learn, improve, and grow. How about we focus every month and day of the year instead of cramming it all into seasons? We’ll all be incredibly better off this way. Give love to yourself now and always.