This is For You

Hey, Goddess. There are things I want you to know. You probably already know some of these things or maybe all of them. If you do, they’re still important reminders. Either way, take what you resonate with and what is meaningful to you, and leave the rest.

Body Love and Body Positivity

For so long, I thought I was too big. Every part of me. I used to really struggle with that. I had strep throat when I was in 11th grade, and I had a rash all over my body from an allergic reaction to the amoxicillan.

The doctor told me I was blessed. As a teenager, I didn’t think anything of him saying that at the time. Now, fully accept that my boobs are a true, real, and natural part of me. It’s not that I ever hated my boobs, but at times, I felt the need to hide them because of their size.

It doesn’t matter if you think you’re too big, too small, whatever. Love your true body. Love yourself. Love what you have. At the same time, it’s ok to want to change something about yourself, too.

It’s ok to want to makes changes to your body. There is nothing wrong with you if you want to change something about your body, improve your body, or focus on something about your body that you want to give more love to. There’s nothing wrong with that.

That part about giving your body love and more of it, that’s what matters. You can still love your body, take care of it, and appreciate it even if you want to make physical changes, big or small.

Now, most of the time, I don’t think I’m too big anymore. I still think that sometimes, even though I absolutely love my body and every part of me. It’s a different feeling than I used to have though. A different shift in perspective.

I’m so grateful for my body, all that I have, and all that my body is able to do. It is so much more freeing when you put the energy of your wants and excitement to change something about your body into giving more intentional and conscious love to your body.

So, any and every time you think that your body or any other part of you is too this, too that, or not enough … You can still love your body, take care of your body, be grateful for your body, improve your body, and give more love to your body. The beauty is that every body is different, and no one can tell you how you feel about your body. Cherish that forever.

Always Have Your Own Back

Always have your own back because why wouldn’t you? It’s so awesome and appreciated when someone has your back, but it’s even more inportant for you to have your own back.

You can depend on yourself. You can believe in yourself. You can trust yourself. When you have your own back, that comes with more confidence in yourself. When you have your own back, that comes with having more grace for yourself. When you have your own back, that comes with being nicer to yourself.

We don’t tend to negatively to someone we love and care about, so why do we talk to ourselves negatively sometimes? You show people how to treat you by how you treat yourself. Read that again.

Respect yourself, know that you’re worthy, and show up for yourself. Have your own back like you have someone else’s back that you love and care about because you love and care about yourself first.

What do you do to always have your own back?

Always Put Yourself First

It’s not selfish to put yourself first. It’s important. It’s necessary. It’s needed. It’s not selfish to take care of you. Take care of you and put yourself first because if you don’t do that, you can’t take care of or help anyone else.

You matter. You’re important. Your mental health matters. Your health matters. Your existence matters. You’re appreciated. You’re loved by so many. You’re needed in this world.

So, whatever you do, whatever it takes, take care of you first. What do you love most about yourself?

Living in the Flow and Living With the Flow

Living and going with the flow is a way to live your life that can work better for you. You get to choose your lifestyle and how you live. You create your lifestyle. It’s about flowing, not forcing. You’re allowed to be open-minded, flexible, and free.

You can have boundaries and standards. You can say no to things that don’t benefit or serve you. You can say yes to things that do benefit and serve you. You can do things your way.

Listen to your body. Listen to your soul. Slow down. Approach things intentionally. Clear your mind. You can still get things done.

There’s a different, positive, and cleaner energy when you live in the flow and with the flow. It’s about going and flowing with life, but not letting life run you or control you. You control your life.

You have full and complete power over how you live your life. When you live with the flow, it better serves you, puts you more at ease, and relaxes you. It can actually make you more productive because you have more space in your mind and are more free to do the things.

It clears your mind and gives you more clarity about what really matters because you stop and think setting your priorities. You can change things. You can change your mind. It’s ok. Give yourself room. Create space for yourself. How do you feel when you live in and go with the flow?

Find Your Power and Use it in Your Life

Find your power. Go within you. Your mind and soul are powerful. You can choose your thoughts. Your thoughts create your feelings. Your feelings create your actions.

You have complete and full control over your actions, what you do, and what you consume. Focus on what you can control. Lead by example. Be accountable to yourself. Have your own back.

Your life matters. You matter. You can decide what lifestyle you live. You can create things. Using your power builds your self-confidence. What can you do when you use your power?

Do Things Your Way

You can do things your way. It doesn’t matter what anyone says, thinks, or does. Focus on you. Focus on what you can control. Think about what makes you happy, excited, how you want to feel, what you want to do, what you want to share, and do that your way because you really can.

The stress and pressure aren’t necessary. Doing things your way helps you in every way. What matters is how you feel. You can say no to things that don’t feel good or right to you. You can say yes to things that do feel good and right to you. Check in with your soul to lead you. What do you want to do your way?

Be Present

The power of being present is really something super important. Focusing on your presence can make all the difference in the world. To do that, you need to get present first. Focus on your breathing. Realize that you are alive. Be aware of your environment and your surroundings, and accept it all.

When you’re present, you become more connected to everything, more importantly, yourself. With being present comes more power, focus, awareness, flow, and mindfulness. What does being present mean to you?

Pure and Positive Energy

There’s positive energy, and there’s negative energy. Positive energy is pure. It often comes from self-esteem, self-love, self-care, self-belief, and self-confidence. These are important. Negative energy happens sometimes, but it’s critically important to quickly recognize it, address it, and turn it into positive energy.

If you have self-doubts, start believing in yourself. If you stress out about things, start trusting yourself to turn it around. If your nerves get the best of you, start your own self-care routine doing things you love and care for yourself.

If you feel insecure about things, transform that insecurity into self-confidence by reminding yourself of all the great things you’re amazing at and applying that confidence to improve your insecurities. If you’re anxious about something, give yourself love to reassure yourself that you can get through what you’re struggling with.

If your self-esteem is low, tell yourself all of the things you love about yourself and let high self-esteem take over. It’s so important for us to replace negative energy with positive energy and continue to improve.

We’re all works in progress. We’re all trying to do our best and be our best in this world. How do you feel?

You Are Powerful

You are a powerful Goddess. You do what you want. You are powerful. You control your life. You are authentically and unapologetically you. You put yourself first. Use your power. Go where your soul leads you.

Do what you feel. You are a beautiful gift to this world that is needed, appreciated, and important. Always know that. What does being a powerful Goddess mean to you?


Trust yourself. You need to be able to depend on yourself. Show up for yourself and stay accountable to yourself. Give yourself space when you need to. Give yourself grace when you need to. You don’t have to be your own harshest critic.

There is no perfection. Stay true to yourself. Trust your capabilities, abilities, and potential. You can. How do you feel when you trust yourself?

Practice Gratitude

When you practice gratitude, you gain more clarity. Things become more clear to you, and your priorities are really set consciously, intentionally, and with purpose. Think about what you’re grateful for each day.

It can be small, simple, and/or big things. It can be people, places, things. Any of that. All of that. You’ll notice the change, and it will make a positive difference in your life no matter what you’re going through or where you’re at.

As you think about gratitude, really feel it. Let the people you’re grateful for know that you’re grateful for them. They need to know. Always be grateful for yourself, too. That’s also a huge part of it. No one can do what you do how you do it no matter what it is. What are you grateful for today?

Ending Thoughts

I hope you take all of this in. I hope this helps you if you need it. I hope you really and honestly ask yourself the questions in this post, and answer them with all of your heart. You deserve the best.