What Does Doing Things You Love Have to Do with Healthy Vegan Living?

Living a healthy vegan lifestyle is a combination of different things together. There are several components that add up to make vegan living healthy vegan living. It all starts with your mind and soul. Your mindset, attitude, beliefs, and thoughts make up your foundation to your healthy vegan lifestyle. You can literally eat the best and healthiest foods in the world, be in the best physical shape that you’ve ever been in, and use the best and healthiest vegan products for you. If you don’t have a healthy mind though, you definitely won’t be your best. Never perfect though. Not perfect, and that’s the beauty of it all.





Healthy Mind, Healthy Life

What even is a healthy mind? You know what a healthy body is, you know what healthy food is, you know what healthy products are, and you know what healthy habits, actions, and routines are. A healthy mind is one that has positive, loving, supportive, and optimistic thoughts. What you feed your mind is just as important as what you feed your body. The best thing is that you get to choose how you feel. Pay close attention to your thoughts because they determine your feelings, and your feelings lead to your actions.

Your actions could be good or bad for you. You get to decide. Keep your mind supportive of how you want to feel and what you want your life to be. You can absolutely have negative and bad thoughts, and you will sometimes, but you don’t have to let them be toxic to you. Feel them, then change them because you have the power to.




How Do You Have a Healthy Mind?

Once you make sure you’re feeding your mind with nourishing thoughts that are positive, supportive, loving, and optimistic, check in on your attitude, beliefs, and mindset. Are they benefiting you? You can’t control what happens a lot of times, but you can control your reactions, attitude, and mindset. So, focus on those. Bad things can happen, and you can still have a good attitude.

You can feel sad and frustrated, and you can still have your beliefs. Your beliefs don’t have to change if you don’t want them to. Your mindset really does determine so much. How is your mindset going to create results that you want in your life? You can make it happen when you have a mindset that supports you.




Practice Consistency in Your Life

Whatever you want in your life, you need to be consistent in the actions you take that support how you want to feel and getting what you want in life. You need to think about all of this at first, put in the effort, be mindful, and have self-awareness. Pay attention to what you do, how you feel, and whether or not your consistent actions are getting you closer to how you want to live your life and what you want your life to be like. Be aware of it all because consistency is what makes things happen.



 Ask Yourself …

There’s so much you can ask yourself, and this is the fun part. How do you want to feel? Always lead with this question, and use it as your guide. What do you want in your life? What feels good and right to you? What makes you happy? What do you love to do? Things you love to do might make you happy or they might not. Don’t confuse this. What makes you happy and what you love can be two different and separate things. At the same time though, what makes you happy happens to be things you love to do. You figure that out. Answer yourself, and trust yourself.

Find Out What You Love to Do

What if you don’t even know what you love to do because your life is always such a rush of being busy with not much time for yourself? It’s ok. You can still find out what you love to do. First, you don’t have to always be busy though. Being busy isn’t necessarily always a good thing. It can wreak havoc on your health and make you completely stressed out. If you can’t change the things you have to do in your life, take breaks and give yorself times to slow down. Either way, need to have time for youself.

In these times to yourself, think about things you enjoy doing, that excite you, make you smile, and things that you really look forward to or wish that you could do. Your answers to those thoughts are things that you love to do. Whether or not you do things that you love to do, taking the time every day to do those things you love to do will incredibly increase your happiness and exponentially improve your heath + well-being. This is a huge part of healthy vegan living whether it may seem like it to you or not. So, please take care of yourself and include this in your everyday life.




The Benefits of Doing Things You Love Daily

When you do things you love every single day, even if it’s just one thing, there are many amazing outcomes associated with it. Improve your health (increase your brain health, help your immune system, boost your mental and emotional health in a postitive way, and lower stress or eliminate it all together), increase your happiness, create meaningful connection with yourself, others, and the planet, stay motivated, stay inspired, be excited, improve relationships, gain more energy, become more confident, keep healthy habits, healthy routines, and self-descipline consistent, have more clarity, have a better perspective about life, be more mindful, become more in tune with yourself, and increase self-awareness.




Ending Thoughts

Do something you love every single day, no matter what. If this is non-negotiable in your life, you will benefit in endless ways. If you don’t even know what you love to do, find out what you love to do. You can figure it out. Thinking about this and asking yourself questions about it will give you the answers that you need. Doing something you love daily is an intergral part of living a healthy vegan lifestyle. So, regardless of what you have going on in your life and what you have to do, make time to do things you love every day to support your best self, life, and to feel the way you want to feel. Always take care of you.